Low-emissivity (low-e) glass is a type of glass that has a special coating designed to reduce the amount of heat transfer through the glass without compromising the amount of light that enters. It is commonly used in windows and glass facades of buildings to improve energy efficiency by minimizing heat loss or gain.
The term “emissivity” refers to a material’s ability to emit radiant energy. In the context of glass, low-e glass is coated with a thin layer of metal or metallic oxide, such as silver or tin oxide. This coating reflects a significant amount of infrared (heat) energy while allowing visible light to pass through.
Here are some key features and benefits of low-e glass:
1.   Heat Reflection.
2.   Heat Retention.
3.   Visible Light Transmission.
4.   UV Radiation Reduction.
5.   Energy Efficiency.
6.   Comfort and Climate Control.

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